

Membrane structure membrane material occurrence chromatism. What should I do

Hits: 1307 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

With the popularity of the Chinese market and promotion, membrane structure engineering construction have become common. Many found after the completion of the membrane structure film material will appear off color, many people doubt is quality problem. So today we aimed at this situation, to analyze the problem.

Membrane structure occurrence chromatism is generally refers to the uneven distribution of membrane cloth color, affect the overall appearance. Actually in the process of membrane structure processing cutting, is likely to need more volume membrane material, while the fruit of the membrane material is different batches, it is possible to render membrane structure color difference; In addition, even with a batch of membrane material, membrane structure engineering quantity is large, membrane material device construction period is longer, could also lead to membrane material color difference. So the membrane structure occasionally appear off color is normal.

So now that sometimes unavoidable, for then we will deal with the method of:

1. When appear off color, we want to determining the type of the membrane material is the same brand;

2. If it's the same type of brand, we should leave a sample, to a third party to detect membrane material is qualified;

3. If the above are no problem, we can put membrane material in the sun insolates, generally do so all can be turned into the same color;

4. Appear off color, don't worry, just patience wait, the color will return, if can't wait you can use the sun lamp to illuminate continuously.

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